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Monday, 6 April 2020

Best Diabetes Exercises Tips

Exercise is very important managing tool when you have diabetes because it can help your blood sugar control. But exercising can help you with more than just your diabetes; it will also help your fitness in general and reduce risk of heart disease and nerve damage. However, exercises has it challenges when you have diabetes, recording everything down in a log is a wise idea to keep track of everything.

Before your exercise make sure to ask your doctor what type of physical activity your body can handle before you do anything and check your blood glucose level. Make sure if you are taking medicines if you will need a snack before, during after or at all. Also, if you are taking injections of insulin make sure you check your blood sugar level thirty minuets prior to your exercise and then right before. This will help you see if your blood sugar levels are stable and safe enough to work out.
During your exercise make sure you are wearing your medical identification (ID) bracelet or necklace and your ID in your pocket. Just in case you will have to treat your low blood glucose it is wise to always carry food or glucose tablets.

Also, be sure to check your glucose in regular intervals, in case you need a snack before you do damage to yourself. After your exercise check to see what the effect of the exercise had on your blood glucose.

Experts recommended one- hundred minutes per week of moderately intense physical activities. However, there are four kinds of activity that can help you 1) being extra active every day 2) doing aerobics exercising 3) doing some strength training 4) stretching.

There are little things you can do during the day that adds up that can help you be extra active during the day. For example, instead of taking that elevator you can take the stairs. And park at the end of the parking lot so you get to walk a little longer. Stretch your chores out a little more, at the store walk down every aisle and start jotting down some ideas of your own.

Doing aerobics exercising a required thirty minutes for five days, find something you like to do and would do even if you didn’t have to. Doing strength training that involve exercises with hand weights, weight machines and elastic bands about three times a week is building muscle. Building muscle is good because the more muscle you have the less fat. This will help you build more calories because muscles burn more than fat does. Strength training also helps improves yours your balance and coordination. The last one stretching, stretching can prevent muscle soreness and relieve stress.
After all that hard works don’t forget to write it down, also see if having an exercise buddy will help you. Both as motivation and as a look out for you just in case. Also after you are done with a work, you should find yourself as healthy safe treat so you can treat yourself.

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