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Sunday 29 March 2020

How to implement the learned user expectations in your design

Know Your User

Consider your user's goal as your own goals, so it is better to learn them. Repeat by restating them. Also get an insight on user's skill level and their experience, and what would they need. Observe on what interfaces they like, you need to sit and notice them. Do not enter in the race of competition by making similar design styles or adding few new features. You want to achieve your goals? See what your user wants that will help you to build a tailor made interface.

Patterns must get the Attention:

Majority of users spend much of their time on other interfaces like Facebook, Blogger, MySpace etc. And simply ignores the weaker ones as yours. Reinvention of wheel is not required. It may be possible that these interfaces are solving a same issue as your interface is doing. By the creation of similar pattern UI, you will make your user feel comfortable.

Usage of Visual Hierarchy

An interface design should be such that it drags user to focus on the important stuff. For the clearer understanding of your interface color, placement and size of each element must be worked together. So the complexities can be reduced by special focus on clearer hierarchy (even though actions are difficult).

Empowering user

As soon as the user gets experienced with the interface you provided. Training wheels must be taken off and user should be rewarded. There will be a lot of distractions of the difficult tasks are broken down into simpler steps. Keyboard shortcuts and other abstract ways helps you accomplishing tasks that creates a way for your design.

Speaking Their Language

Copywriting is needed in some sort of interfaces. Things should not be sensational but conversational. Messaging should not be complex, and actions must have clear and concise labels. User does not hear you, but they hear what they or their friends feel, so you will get the appreciation from them.

What Users Expect?

User expectations are greatly affected by the disruptive ideas and innovations. And thorugh this the marketers get to do what they are best at:" tries to be the founders of the experiences for the consumers ".

In todays world the expected norms are to have an outclass user experience resulting from these technologies, including all the top class user brands like Google, Facebook, Amazon etc.

"Experiences" is what all users look for, Fast access is another demand. Apart from these the ease and simple interactions with the application based on digital data anytime and anywhere.

User Research and Their Roles:

Users expectations can be of two types: quantified and qualified. For example looking for some important specific information and task accomplishment (such as selling online). Other expectations may take a form of intangibles like security, safety and reliability of brands.

It must be clearly understood that the impact may be intangible in case of meeting of expectations. User will not tolerate the difficult interface or a poor design in such an innovative world.

Moving further, evaluation and user tests will be a better way to know about user expectations. And this will not only help in the future but also assist in today's digital economy.

User will be highly satisfied if the design exceeds the user expectations. This will help the product to succeed and strengthen the brand.

User Testing as a Key:

Current users are being a subject of in-person interviews. Other data may be a quantifying one, as gathered by client user feedback. The creation of highly creative documentation, which helped us to learn quickly and confirmed us the understanding of the opportunities and problems.

As per what we studied, it was noticed that simple user interface design was preferred over any other. That helped in increasing engagement with content and reduction in cognitive load.

User Expectations Counts a lot:

It seems risky when knowing major design upgrade can cause user backoff. But ignoring interface issues might be much more riskier. The app can be kept up to date without the loss of users by managing the project and using the techniques of lean UX. You can also increase courtesy towards your users by investing some more time in design levels and testing users. This will definitely pay you off in the final outcome.

The change that we made using using the educational platform actually raised the frequency of mobile usage within the current user base.

It is Impossible to Design the User

Every single user is different, they have different expectations and desires. Some of the users may find it easy to user the app and fulfill their purpose while others may find difficulty in coping up with it. Different users with similar products determines how the users are stimulated by the product. Products are generally compared by the users.

For example, on a visit to spa, we evaluate the services provided and compare it with the other spas. It is nothing new, our previous experiences helps in shaping what expect from others. Now someone who is comparing his past experiences with expectations could be different from yours. But Then Design can be Made for the UX. It may be difficult to Design for user experience but yes a design can be made for UX.

A service or a product is made in line with the user expectations. It is possible that the initial design is rejected by the users at first. As stated before it is Impossible to match the user expectations.

For a more practical scenario, it is better to gather data, make its analysis and understand how the reaction of a user could be about your product. Possibly certain user experiences can be predicted using user's behaviour, trend of the market and user requirements. As a designer you will aim at achieving that experience.

This must not be forgotten that how effective a design is depends upon context of product usage. Other than this, consumers are well known for their analytical skills and knowledge, which are  shaped with the help of previous experiences and are very crucial. Many factors are used to elicit user's experience such as motivation, fun, majorly advertisements etc. And the success of commercials depends on these factors only. There is a huge difference when it comes to designing of user experience vs designing of UX.

Understanding UX

For a better design of UX, you need to understand it first. Also you must focus on the factors triggering emotions of the users. One must not ignore these factors value, credibility, desirability, accessibility etc.

Understanding Users

How can you understand the users? Here are some ways of understanding them: taking feedback directly, surveys, interview of users, observation of market.

  • Factors that must be considered when UX design is made
  • Your users and their needs
  • What are their responses to a product or service similar to yours?
  • What's missing?
  • What are the ways of addressing it?
  • Under a given scenario, how would your user respond?

Conclusion ( special focus on design and its flaws)

Designer start implementing the Design without learning about the experiences of the users. User flows must be given importance, although there are other essential factors like designing and info architecture. In order to raise value of users and a happy user experience you need to support the design with this help of the factors mentioned before. Surprise your users by producing something that exceeds their expectations.

What is being Learned?

No matter how well an app is promoted, users will take no time in rejecting a useless application. No company can ignore recommendations. Even top companies take recommendations, even they simply can't pass through a mediocre design.

The readers of UX booth are to visit the study themselves and evaluate the results. And please do share your thoughts below.

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