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Saturday 28 March 2020

Smart Watches: Technological Change and New Designs

A digital and computerized wristwatch is not only a classical timepiece, but it offers several functions which is why it is called an intelligent wrist device or simply a smartwatch. It is a device which is easily comparable to a personalized mechanical device. The technology that came years ago used to perform simpler tasks like calculating, translating, game-playing, but the smart watches of modern era are often known as portable computer device.

Majority of these intelligent watches not only runs the mobile apps, but also supports the operating systems just like mobile phones such as functioning of music players, with an option of unlimited FM playback, mp3 audio and video through the Bluetooth technology. Some of these models are that intelligent that they match up with the mobile phone functions (taking calls, making calls) in a same manner as Iphone would do, that is why we call them mobile watches.

The Future Starts Now

Until and unless you have consumed the previous year in a sealed container (trying to clarify your suitability for the Mars single mission) you will be cognizant that Apple have dispatched a smart wearable watch:  THE APPLE WATCH.

The technology for wearable devices is establishing and flourishing really fast. It opens doors for several software designers (web, app, UI) to come up with new innovations.

The globe around us is where we need to focus in terms of design, not the technology in particular. We have to come up with the designs which do not create distractions but the designs that are promoting engaging experiences, as these smart wearable watches become popular.

Who will be using them Now?

Fitness and sports persons are favorably using these devices. Devices like wearable cameras and others of this sort are more popular amongst extreme sporting, stunt sporting, and dare devils. However, up till nowadays, it is for these sports people particularly that portable tech has chiefly been the reserve.

Who will be the user in future and for what purpose?

Due to the attachment of these devices with us, they move as we move, and they are being noticed and interacted with complex angles. User requires easy interaction and simpler way of reading whatever is up on the screen.  Interactions are far more preferable when a person is sitting, and both the human body and the device are stable. Critically asked:
  • What options will be looked by people while using our app
  • What place will they be?
The consequences of moving user vs stable user.

It is difficult to understand the interactions offered by the device, it includes: Controlling voice, gesture control, taps, dials and physical button.

Effective connection to Chromecast, Apple TV or comparable showing mechanism from your smartwatch should build up on the fact that it is always ready and alongside you.  The delivering of high end keynotes is not the only thing that we focus in most of our meetings. Mostly we do not prepare ourselves fully for the daily meetings, no advance presentations, but just a few screen clips along with artifacts takes representation of the whole project’s picture. With movements, it is often very difficult to give inputs to the screen and to understand what is up there.

In case of low investments, it is more likely to collect it in bundles and have access on them through cloud via smartwatch device. Using remote control for a slide presentation is not a bad idea if you already own a touch screen strapped smartwatch.

A small area to operate with:

The screen real land subject of smartwatches is of sequence the most prevalent factor that will notify the UX design for such devices. It has been a subject on smartphones since their creation– how does one progress concerning rescaling almost everything that has been projected for a wider desktop screen so that it fits and works well on the far tinier portrait smartphone screen?

This is what challenges the designers and they have been rethinking on how to go with their strategies to overcome their long prevailing issue. The head of the wristwatch should be fitting one side of our wrists, as per the convenience of the people or even as a necessity. Of course it leads to more of a problem for the UX designers on how to settle the screen with such size.

That tiny space will be filled by the apps and features, by nature. So, how to fit all the information within the display? keeping UX in mind.

It goes down to two main things, when it comes to UX design, the glance and the legibility.

Different User Interaction

Our addiction to such smart devices is not a new topic, we spend hours and hours on our phones. Such case might not be true in regards to wearables. This is because wearables have tiny screens and it is not so ideal to interact with such a device. Apart from this user might find it much more difficult to stable their hand in a position to use smartwatch, in this case mobile phones are comfortable to use.

Ergonomics says, smartphones are unattached to our bodies and we carry them, wearables are attached to our body through wrists. Smartphones are used as a tool whereas smartwatches are just for decorative purpose, primarily. With respect to user interactions, mobile phones are inert when unused, whereas watches are always up and running.

Latest Questions

  • What is being done to design for a platform?  Whose specs are still unannounced? What are the criteria for predicting the characteristics of most known wearable watch app and most known used cased? How can the gaps be filled, through design workflow?
  • Will the screens have the same result? Will the operating system change? Will the functions be sacrificed?

These are all the queries and we know little about it. But the time to innovate and think outside is not so far away. It is a time to create a better user experience for the new era and for which we will work in teams to find a better solution overcoming these issues.

Keeping Design Light-weight and Simple:

Your phones are much more powerful than an apple iwatch. I feel guilty sometimes of using a pretty image over a smaller one when designing for mobile and web. We were being asked to keep things as lightweight as possible in case of Apple’s Iwatch. Because, sometimes these extra kilobytes do make a difference.

The users do not aim at having slow and lagging experience. The larger image not only leads in having a poor experience, but it may face rejection when submitted to Apple.

Considerations regarding color:
  • Color blindness must be handled well.
  • Background should be black. It will blend alongside the screen’s physical bezel and uphold an illusion of no screen edge. Do not use brilliant backgrounds.
  • Use elevated difference colors for text. Recall the discern is not utilized for long eras of period, users demand to be able to elucidate your content swiftly and facilely.

Legible Fonts

The success of these devices relies heavily on the text clarity and text legibility. Imagine how frustrated you will be when holding a watch near to your eyes trying to read what is up on the screen, even when you have your glasses on.

In what ways users interacts with Device?

A user may interact with the smartwatch apps more in the future, but these are the only ways for now:
  • Single Tap: Used when pressing something or selecting or choosing something.
  • Force Press: Pressing hard on the screen of the watch for the access of menu on the current screen.
  • Digital Crown: Vertical scrolling that can be done through the wheel on the side of your watch.
  • Limited Gestures: Vertical swipe for traversing hierarchical screens, horizontal swipes for traversing across page established screens, left frontier horizontal swipe to go back to the preceding screen. There is no method to make swiping work beyond of traversing amid pages or in a vertical table.

It is a New Innovation with New Challenges:

When it comes to emerging designs we need to redefine our reference frames. Smartwatches are thought as force fitting of a product in a predefined area- the wearable smartphones- will lead to lean thinking at best and failure of products at worst.

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