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Sunday 22 March 2020

High level of trust in Marketing

High level of trust is one of the most important characteristics that reflect with the offline marketing medium. Offline marketing is all about promoting the products in the market according to the demand of the consumers. The best way to promote an existing product in a new market is only possible if the companies have the guts to give full confidence to their consumers.

Offline mediums and marketing tactics give a high level of trust to the consumers, because companies usually engage their customers in the decision making process. Consumers can physically visit on the service centres, stores and franchises of the respective companies to have complete knowledge about their products, and can also record their protest against any misleading information given by the representatives. Stated that winning the trust of the consumers is the most important point of success for a company, and it is not possible without placing them within the shoes of the customers. Offline mediums have the capacity to manage their well-being in the market with the help of powerful strategies.

The level of retention of the consumers can be increased positively with the help of the offline mediums. It can be precisely said that the offline marketing medium has a direct impact with the level of trust of the consumers. In other words, the level of trust of the consumers will increased effectively and positively with the help of bringing offline mediums into the consideration. It may also reflect a link between the social contagions of a firm.

During the internationalization process, consumers with high level of trust on the brand image and name of the company can promote the products of the company easily to different individuals. Consumers will act as a representative of the products or services of a company during the internalization process, if and only if the company had a positive impact on their behaviour previously.

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