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Monday 28 January 2019

Different Types of Nursing Scrubs

You must have already seen nurses wearing nursing scrubs during one hospital moments that you had at one point in time.  Nursing scrub is a special kind of apparel worn by nurses.  It is often referred to as nursing gown.  It is similar clothing worn by surgeons and midwives also.  If you are observant, you might wonder that there are certain nurses wore the same attire but somehow there are little differences.  This can be explained.

Buttons at The Back And In Front

There are two types of nursing scrubs based on placements of buttons; at the back and in front.  Those that have buttons in front are typical scrubs worn during regular duties of a nurse and those that have buttons at the back are usually used during surgeries.  The reason for this is to avoid mishaps during operations such as surgical equipments getting stuck at the button for example.  Whatever the style, this nursing gown should be loosen enough to warrant body movements while performing different nursing activities while on duties.


You might wonder how come in a particular hospital, you might have seen nursing scrubs in different colors and even has print on it.  Generally, colors determine who is who.  For example, surgeon’s scrubs are in green while nursing scrubs are in blue and sometimes in white and even in pink.  When you see nurses wearing printed nursing scrubs like Mickey Mouse prints, these nurses are paediatric nurses.  Prints are intended in order to appease children.

Type of Material

It can be made of cotton or polyester or a combination.  Polyester nursing scrub is low maintenance; easy to dry, wrinkle free, and stretchable.  Cotton on the other hand is durable, protects inner garment from being visible, and very soft.  However, this type of material takes time to dry. 

There is no such thing as ideal nursing scrub.  If you are a nurse and wants to buy one of these, check your hospital administration first prior to making a purchase.  The hospital might have certain requirements when it comes to nursing scrubs. 

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